03.1 / Work ExampleEnergy Audits and Assessments

FRESCo conducts ASHRAE level 1, 2, and 3 energy assessments and engineering studies for a wide variety of building types including , commercial, multi-unit residential, and institutional. We operate programs on behalf of FortisBC that enable us to offer FREE energy audits to customers. We evaluate options to make cost-effective upgrades that reduce energy consumption and operating costs. We’ve completed several hundred assessments for clients in the non-profit, public, and private sectors.

Here are a few examples:

BC Housing

FRESCo conducted ASHRAE Level-2 energy audits for BC Housing at 13 sites. We investigated a variety of energy conservation measures including: fuel switching from natural gas to electric-heat pumps;LED lighting upgrades; makeup air unit upgrades;  boiler and domestic water heating upgrades; building automation controls; and commissioning.

BC Housing

Alberta Social Housing Corporation (ASHC)

FRESCo conducted ASHRAE Level-2 energy audits for ASHC at 12 senior residential facilities. We investigated a variety of energy conservation measures such as: LED lighting upgrades; plumbing upgrades and water conservation; makeup air system upgrades; boiler and domestic water heating upgrades; and building automation controls. Renewable energy options were also explored for each site.

Alberta Social Housing Corporation (ASHC)

Royal Roads University

FRESCo conducted an extensive AHRAE Level-2 energy audit for over 20 buildings on this university campus.

The assessment included all major systems in the buildings which utilize energy (gas and electricity) as well as water. It included end-use analysis and performance benchmarking; identified potential improvements with Energy Conservation Measures; and provided additional analysis, support, or training on priority items identified during the audit.

The full Audit report explained findings, recommendations and GHG reduction strategies and identified potential funding sources such as grants, and utility rebates associated with Energy Conservation Measures. Life-cycle costing included energy consumption and utility costs, carbon tax, and operations & maintenance (O&M) costs including equipment replacement cost at end-of-lifespan. Options were also explored as long-term GHG solutions for a centralized Ground Water Heat Pump (GWHP) system to supplant the gas-fired boilers present at the campus core buildings, and consolidation of administrative workspaces into a single, energy-efficient facility.

Royal Roads University

Alberta’s Custom Energy Solutions (CES)

We’ve completed multiple energy studies under Alberta’s Custom Energy Solutions program. This includes industrial, institutional and commercial facilities, helping them improve productivity, reduce energy use/GHG emissions, and operating costs.


Alberta’s Custom Energy Solutions (CES)

Spartan Controls - Calgary

FRESCo performed an energy study in accordance with CES guidelines, examining all major energy-utilizing systems in Spartan’s Calgary headquarters. The assessment included utility billing analysis and end-use breakdown; identifying potential improvements with Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs) including capital costs, savings and payback; and any significant anticipated interactive effects between ECMs.

Spartan Controls - Calgary

Spartan Controls - Edmonton

FRESCo conducted an energy study for Spartan’s Edmonton office/warehouse facility. The recommendations focused on lighting; heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC); building envelope improvements; renewable energy opportunities; compressed air; and water conservation. Process-related energy efficiency was also evaluated. Any energy conservation measures were only recommended where they would not impact or interfere with the core mission or function of the facility.

Spartan Controls - Edmonton

Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT)

Fresco conducted ASHRAE Level-2 assessments for 2 buildings on the SAIT campus. The recommendations focused on lighting; heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC); building envelope improvements; renewable energy opportunities; and water conservation. Process-related energy efficiency was also evaluated. Any energy conservation measures were only recommended where they would not impact or interfere with the core educational mission of the facility.

Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT)

Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT)

FRESCo conducted an ASHRAE Level-2 assessment for NAIT’s Souch campus. The recommendations focused on lighting; heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC); building envelope improvements; renewable energy opportunities; compressed air; and water conservation. Process-related energy efficiency was also evaluated. Any energy conservation measures were only recommended where they would not impact or interfere with the core industrial education function of the facility.

Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT)

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