
New Report: Electrification of Multi-Unit Residential Buildings – Understanding Electrification Opportunities and Challenges in BC Apartment Buildings

We are pleased to support LandlordBC in the release of the FRESCo authored report –Electrification of Multi-Unit Residential Buildings – Understanding Electrification Opportunities and Challenges in BC Apartment Buildings. The report digs deep into the information needed to operationalize building electrification. Specifically, the report starts by investigating the financial considerations (how much will it cost and what are the factors contributing to higher and lower costs) and the technical considerations (what technologies are already available and emerging and what are the benefits and technical installation considerations of each building electrification option). The report then identifies the key program, policy and industry capacity building considerations that are essential to scaling up and accelerating building electrification.

FRESCo worked with LandlordBC to develop educational resources to help the owners and managers of rental housing understand the opportunities and challenges with building electrification.


Below are the links to a summary guide, webinar recording, and the full project report.

MURB Retrofits Summary Guide

Webinar: Climate Change Policy, Regulations, and MURB Retrofits

Electrification of Multi-Unit Residential Buildings



BC Heat Pump Technology Attraction Strategy

FRESCo was one of the consulting teams to develop this strategy.

The BC Heat Pump Technology Attraction Strategy is a collaborative effort of B2E and the Vancouver Economic Commission (VEC). The Strategy:

  • Identifies high-level availability and gaps for various heat pump technologies in BC;
  • Identifies and prioritizes barriers related to heat pump market penetration and sophistication;
  • Lays out three areas of action to address these barriers, including:
    • Improving the perception of BC’s market size and sophistication with domestic and foreign manufacturers
    • Supporting workforce development (in alignment with existing B2E activities);
    • Exploring and addressing certification and standards-related barriers for low global warming potential (GWP) refrigerants and cold climate heat pumps.

BC Heat Pump Technology Attraction Strategy

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