TOL- FREE Water Saving Upgrades & Assessment

Township of Langley Free Water Saving Upgrades & Assessment Program

Terms and Conditions

Program overview

The Township of Langley (the “Township”) Free Water Saving Upgrades & Assessment Program (the “Program”) provides the owners of qualifying food service establishments (each, a “Participant”) with access to water conservation measures. Participants in the Program may be entitled to receive, free of charge:

  •          – Direct installation of pre-rinse spray nozzles and faucet aerators for kitchen and/or bathroom sinks (“Direct Install Measure(s)”); and
  •          – High level walkthrough assessment and report to identify other potential energy and/or water saving opportunities (“Assessment”).

(together, the Direct Install Measure(s) and the Assessment are referred to as the “Program Offerings”).

Participant responsibilities, representations and warranties

    1. By participating in the Program, the Participant represents, warrants and agrees as follows:
      1. the Program will be administered, and the Program Offerings delivered by the Township and authorized agents of the Township (“Agent(s)”). Authorized Agents include:
        1. Fisher Resource Efficiency Solutions Company Ltd. (“FRESCo”)
        2. Eco-fitt Corporation (“Ecofitt”).
      2. the Participant will allow the Township and The Agent(s) access to the participating food service establishments as required to enable the Program Offerings to be carried out and will take all reasonable measures to ensure the premises are safe.
      3. Provision of the Program Offerings is limited and made available at the discretion of the Township and the Agent(s).

Additional terms and conditions

    1. The Township and the Agent(s) makes no representation or warranty, express or implied as to the fitness, design or capability of the material, equipment or workmanship of the Direct Install Measure(s) nor any warranty that the they will satisfy the requirements of the participant or any law, specification, or contract.
    2. While the Township and the Agent(s) will make reasonable efforts to ensure that the Assessment is executed in an accurate and relevant manner, the Participant acknowledges and agrees that the Assessment does not constitute a detailed analysis and the Township and the Agent(s) makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, that if implemented, the options contained in the Assessment will satisfy the requirements of the Participant, or any law, specification or contract, or that the Participant will be eligible for any incentives or opportunities recommended in the Assessment. The Participant is responsible for conducting more detailed engineering design and analysis prior to implementing any significant energy or water upgrade projects.
    3. The Participant does hereby indemnify and save harmless the Township, FRESCo, and Ecofitt, and their respective directors, officers, agents and employees from all liability, damages, claims, demands, expenses and costs for claims, costs for injury or death of any person, damage to or destruction of property, and all economic loss suffered by any person arising from or occurring by reason of the Program, including but not limited to actual or alleged preparation or installation or use of the Direct Installation Measure(s) , except to the extent caused by the gross negligence or willful misconduct of the Township, the Agent(s) or their respective officers, employees, or agents.


Contact details

If you have any questions regarding this Program, please contact us using the information below:


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