4.3 / Building TypeHotels

Hotels typically have high utility costs, which present a challenge for profitability, particularly during these challenging times.

FRESCo is happy to be working in partnership with FortisBC and other utility and government programs. As of May 2020 we have been able to expand our services to the hotel and motel communities. There are now multiple solutions and programs available for hotel/motel owners that will assist them in improving their overall energy efficiency usage, save money, and improve their environmental footprint. For example:

  1. The FortisBC Rental Apartment Efficiency Program (RAP), which is managed by FRESCo, is now is available to Hotels and Motels across B.C. This is a FREE program that helps reduce natural gas consumption by
    12-27% and lower water bills. The program started in late 2015 and has benefitted over 1,000 buildings so far. The program is BC-wide and includes:
  • Installation of FREE water efficient showerheads and faucet aerators
    (valued at approximately $50 per unit).
  • FREE Energy Assessments (valued up to $2,000).
  • (Optional) Free Professional support with implementing additional efficiency upgrades (e.g., boilers; valued at several thousands of dollars) and rebates for qualifying buildings.
  • See Video


  1. The Commercial Energy Assessment Program (CEAP)

This program is similar to the RAP program but with no fixtures to install.

CEAP’s energy assessment will help small and medium-sized commercial and industrial customers identify low- and no-cost energy conservation improvements they can make in their businesses and facilities. After a free walkthrough assessment by FRESCo (who has been engaged by FortisBC to carry out this work), you will receive a report outlining potential energy efficiency upgrades and information about FortisBC rebates to help save on the cost of upgrading to high-efficiency equipment.

Get in contact with our team to find out about these fully funded programs, free energy assessments, and free engineering support by email at hotels@frescoltd.com or by phone at 1-866-598-1213.

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